This is my final film trailer.
Holly Pattison A2 Media Studies
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challange forms and conventions of real media products?
For my A2 Media Studies coursework I produced two auxiliary tasks one being a magazine front cover which advertised my media film trailer and the seconds auxiliary task being a film poster advertising my product to the public. While creating my products my compared my products to work on other media platforms.
First of all I am going to look at my magazine front cover and compare it to a professional published magazine 'empire' and how I have follow the convention and institutions of a film magazine.
To be able to complete my auxiliary tasks and my main product I also needed use of a iMac computer, Video camera and camera. These are some of the technologies that I used to create my final pieces of work;
An internet programme that I have used to track my progress in my work and to present it, I have been using blogger. Creating posts, like a diary. This shows changes that I have made along the way and also my progression.
Also I created a Facebook page which allowed me to stay in contact with my actors that were in my film and also my audience. I used my film Logo as my picture on my Facebook page.
For my A2 Media Studies coursework I produced two auxiliary tasks one being a magazine front cover which advertised my media film trailer and the seconds auxiliary task being a film poster advertising my product to the public. While creating my products my compared my products to work on other media platforms.
First of all I am going to look at my magazine front cover and compare it to a professional published magazine 'empire' and how I have follow the convention and institutions of a film magazine.
The Main Title Masthead
The main title of my product and the empire published magazine are both across the top of the magazine front cover and both in capital letters and bigger writing compared to the rest of the text on the magazine front cover. This means that the magazine can stand out to the audience when they see the magazine on a shelf and so that it catches the readers eye. Also the colours used I and empire magazine both used red in the title, this is because it is a bold colour that stands out to the audience, also the colour red means alot of different things when thinking about genres and reading into the meaning of the colour used.
The Main Image
The main image is taking up the whole front cover on both of the magazine front covers. Both of the models are in the middle of the front cover and are looking into the camera, this creates a bond between the readers and the model because the model is looking into the readers eyes. Also the head of model's are near the top of the page near top of the page on both of the magazine front covers.
On both magazine's they have the main institutions which are the date, website and the issue number. This is so that the audeince can get intouch and look at an online magazine, by publishers and music magazines having websites this enables the readers to be able to be able to do things digitally like watch the film trailer online from the magazine. The date and issue enables the readers to be able to keep up to date with what maaghzines they have got and see how in date the magazine is.
Main Sell Line
The main sell line on both of the magazines are related to the main image on the front cover of the magazine, advertising the film, or film trailer. Sell lines gives the reader an insight about what is happening in the film trailer. Both of the main sell lines give the main title of the films underneath the main image.
The clothing that is used on both magazine front covers is smart and creates a genre in your head and the type of character the person is meant to be, the nature of the character. By choosing the clothing to use it kind of tells a story about the film trailer with out anything being to obvious to the reader.
When creating my magazine I looked at this empire magzaine for reassurance and to make myself fully understand the conventions that I had to encorporate in to my film trailer. When I thought that I had finished my film magazine I thought that the bottom of my magazine looked bare compared to everything that was going on near the top of my film magazine. I looked at different film magazines to get ideas of how I could fill up unused space on my magazine front cover and when I looked at this magazine I liked the idea how it advertised other film's on the front of the magazine so I created the same kind of effect in my work as to what I had seen on this 'Empire' magazine.
Now I am going to look at my second auxiliary task which is a Film Poster. I am going to comapre to the film poster that I created compared to the 'Dear John' film poster, I am also going to look at how I have added conventions from the wedding crashers film poster aswell. I choose these two posters to comapred my piece to because my genre is meant to be a rom-com, so I looked at one romance poster and one comedy poster.
Main Image
I tried to create my image to be like the one on 'Dear John' film poster. I did this because both films are mainly based on the beach and I liked the body language that had been used in the 'Dear John' film poster because you can tell that the genre of the film is a romance. Both of the images are quite bright and non of the actors are looking at the camera.
The loaction of the main image on my film poster is taken at Seaburn beach. This is because this is where my film trailer was taken and also the picture on the beach also links in with the title of my film trailer 'Love By The Sea'. Also the place that the picture was taking is also shot in my film. Both 'Dear John' and my own film poster are taking at the beach and in a sand dune, you can tell this because of the grass growing out the top of the sand dunes.
The clothes that my models are wearing on the main image on the poster are just casual everyday clothes. The male model is wearing shorts, this is because when people think of going to the beach they think of it being sunny and people wearing shorts. The female model is wearing a bright blue top this is also because people can relate to bright colours when they go to the beach.
These are the main characters that I used in my film trailer.The reason that I used one male and one female is because this is what people expect when they think of a romance film. In a romance film there is normally a typical hetrosexual relationship in the film. The type of man that I am trying to explore in my film is a hedgemonic typical male, who is in a relationship with the typical female, but who isn't like a blonde girly girl that you see in normal romance films. The characters on both 'Dear John' and my own film poster are all looking away from the camera.
I used different institutions such as a tag line 'FRIENDS, LOVERS OR NOTHING?' I used this because it makes the audience think and they read deaper into the film trailer. Also I think it will draw people in to what to watch the film trailer if there is a good tag line used on the film poster, which relates to the type of genre that I am trying to pursue. 'Dear John' also has a tag line which reads 'What would you do with a letter that changes everything?' both of the tag lines that have been used are rhetorical questions which make the audience think.
Main Image
I tried to create my image to be like the one on 'Dear John' film poster. I did this because both films are mainly based on the beach and I liked the body language that had been used in the 'Dear John' film poster because you can tell that the genre of the film is a romance. Both of the images are quite bright and non of the actors are looking at the camera.
The loaction of the main image on my film poster is taken at Seaburn beach. This is because this is where my film trailer was taken and also the picture on the beach also links in with the title of my film trailer 'Love By The Sea'. Also the place that the picture was taking is also shot in my film. Both 'Dear John' and my own film poster are taking at the beach and in a sand dune, you can tell this because of the grass growing out the top of the sand dunes.
The clothes that my models are wearing on the main image on the poster are just casual everyday clothes. The male model is wearing shorts, this is because when people think of going to the beach they think of it being sunny and people wearing shorts. The female model is wearing a bright blue top this is also because people can relate to bright colours when they go to the beach.
These are the main characters that I used in my film trailer.The reason that I used one male and one female is because this is what people expect when they think of a romance film. In a romance film there is normally a typical hetrosexual relationship in the film. The type of man that I am trying to explore in my film is a hedgemonic typical male, who is in a relationship with the typical female, but who isn't like a blonde girly girl that you see in normal romance films. The characters on both 'Dear John' and my own film poster are all looking away from the camera.
I used different institutions such as a tag line 'FRIENDS, LOVERS OR NOTHING?' I used this because it makes the audience think and they read deaper into the film trailer. Also I think it will draw people in to what to watch the film trailer if there is a good tag line used on the film poster, which relates to the type of genre that I am trying to pursue. 'Dear John' also has a tag line which reads 'What would you do with a letter that changes everything?' both of the tag lines that have been used are rhetorical questions which make the audience think.
In my trailer I looked at the film trailer from the vow to see how other films had made the romance element of their work stand out and tried to add this into my own work when trying to create my film trailer.
By looking at the vow film trailer this helped me look at institutions that I had to add into my work, such as the music that I would choose to use in my film trailer to fit with the type of genre that my film trailer is. By adding the right music this helps my audience identify the type of film trailer this is going to be and breaks down my audiene. When looking at the vow video trailer I decided that I like the music that had been used in the trailer that I would add into my trailer, as I liked the way that it creates the trailer and builds up suspence in what is going to happen in the trailer, along with it being quite a happy song choice. Also the institutions and the way that they were presented and how phrases came up on the screen I added this into my own trailer, this keeps the audience engaged as they have to read what is happening on the screen rather than just watching the trailer all the way through, which can get a bit boring, definantly if it doesn't hit the target audience.
I tried to make my film trailer tell my audience a story aswell as just being a film trailer. I did this because when looking through different romance trailer's, I seem to see alot which also told a story rather than just being a trailer and I thought this was good, so I did it in my own work. During my film trailer I used alot of different shots e.g close up's, wide shots and zooming in, I used these shots because I felt these were the shots that I felt were nessercery when trying to create a romance genre. I also added some fades into my film and some quick cuts which went into text, to build the audience up for what was going to happen in my film trailer. Also by adding fade's into my work it helped my trailer run more smoothly and the shots weren't jumping into each other.
In my film trailer instead of having the actors speaking I used different voice overs which I got the main female actor to do for me after we had finished filming and found the correct voice overs that I would like to use in my film trailer. By putting voice overs in my trailer this helps tell the story of my trailer instead of having both acotors all the way through.
When thinking about a professional film trailer you see that the publishers or the company use their logo at the start of the film trailer and a certificate which tells the audience the age and if it uses bad language and what is going to happen in the film and if its suitable for different ages, because I wanted my trailer to look like a professional film trailer I added these institutions into my work aswell.
In my trailer the music plays all the way through my film trailer. I think that my trailer does have a story line and if the correct audience watched my film trailer they would feel invovled and would get into my tailer easily.
I have compared all three of my texts against professional texts that link in with the genres that I have had to create. I have looked at 'The Vow' for my film trailer which is a romance. I looked at 'Dear John' for my film poster because of the image that was used on the front of the dear john poster and how it is set on the beach, this is also a romance genre but also for my film poster I looked at 'The Wedding Crashers' poster to bring a comedy element into my work. For my magazine front cover I looked at alot of different professional/published magazine front covers from magazines such as 'FILM' and 'EMPIRE'.
In my trailer I looked at the film trailer from the vow to see how other films had made the romance element of their work stand out and tried to add this into my own work when trying to create my film trailer.
Love By The Sea Film Trailer
The vow Film Trailer
I tried to make my film trailer tell my audience a story aswell as just being a film trailer. I did this because when looking through different romance trailer's, I seem to see alot which also told a story rather than just being a trailer and I thought this was good, so I did it in my own work. During my film trailer I used alot of different shots e.g close up's, wide shots and zooming in, I used these shots because I felt these were the shots that I felt were nessercery when trying to create a romance genre. I also added some fades into my film and some quick cuts which went into text, to build the audience up for what was going to happen in my film trailer. Also by adding fade's into my work it helped my trailer run more smoothly and the shots weren't jumping into each other.
In my film trailer instead of having the actors speaking I used different voice overs which I got the main female actor to do for me after we had finished filming and found the correct voice overs that I would like to use in my film trailer. By putting voice overs in my trailer this helps tell the story of my trailer instead of having both acotors all the way through.
When thinking about a professional film trailer you see that the publishers or the company use their logo at the start of the film trailer and a certificate which tells the audience the age and if it uses bad language and what is going to happen in the film and if its suitable for different ages, because I wanted my trailer to look like a professional film trailer I added these institutions into my work aswell.
In my trailer the music plays all the way through my film trailer. I think that my trailer does have a story line and if the correct audience watched my film trailer they would feel invovled and would get into my tailer easily.
I have compared all three of my texts against professional texts that link in with the genres that I have had to create. I have looked at 'The Vow' for my film trailer which is a romance. I looked at 'Dear John' for my film poster because of the image that was used on the front of the dear john poster and how it is set on the beach, this is also a romance genre but also for my film poster I looked at 'The Wedding Crashers' poster to bring a comedy element into my work. For my magazine front cover I looked at alot of different professional/published magazine front covers from magazines such as 'FILM' and 'EMPIRE'.
Q2. How Effective is the combination of the main product and auxiliary tasks.
When thinking about and creating my two auxiliary tasks and the main product the film trailer I tried to keep all of my products consistant, this is so that the audience can tell that all of my products link with each other. I tried to keep my trailer and two auxiliary tasks linked in together. I kept the consistancey through my work because of the characters that I used and the locations that were used and the clothing and location. I wanted them to all link in together because when you see other professional/published work they all link in with eachother and I wanted to make my products professional as I possibly could.
I tried to keep my products as much like a romance genre as I could by using a hetrosexual relationship, as this is what the audience thinks when thinking about a romance genre they think of a hunky good looking man/boy with a skinny, pretty female. The actors link with the film's genre and the two auxiliary tasks which creates a feeling for the audience of thge type of romance that is being pursued in the film trailer.
Q3. What have I learnt from my audience feedback?
While I have been creating my film trailer and my auxiliary tasks I haven't had much feedback from my peers or my teacher. When I created my Pitch I got some simple feedback from both my peers and my teacher, telling me what they thought was good about my ideas and what they thought that I should change about how I wanted to create my film trailer. They also told me what they thought was good about my flat plans.
When I finally completed my film trailer and my two auxiliary tasks, I then got some feedback on changes that I could make to them from my teacher; She told me positive and negeitives about my work,what she thought was good and what she thought that I should probably change about my work. I only recieved feedback on my film magazine.
While I have been creating my film trailer and my auxiliary tasks I haven't had much feedback from my peers or my teacher. When I created my Pitch I got some simple feedback from both my peers and my teacher, telling me what they thought was good about my ideas and what they thought that I should change about how I wanted to create my film trailer. They also told me what they thought was good about my flat plans.
When I finally completed my film trailer and my two auxiliary tasks, I then got some feedback on changes that I could make to them from my teacher; She told me positive and negeitives about my work,what she thought was good and what she thought that I should probably change about my work. I only recieved feedback on my film magazine.
Q4. What Technologies have you learnt about from the process of constructing this product?
When creating my film trailer and my two auxiliary task's I used alot of different technologies, both software and hardware technologies. For my main product and my two auxiliary tasks these are the main software tahcnologies that that I used.
- Adobe Premiere Pro - This was to construct and complete my film trailer. Premiere pro is a editing based programme which allows you to add video clips to the software and create a video based product from it.
- Adobe Photoshop - I used Photoshop to constuct and complete my two auxiliary tasks. Photoshop allows you to edit pictures alot of different ways and then create them into posters, magazine front covers, logo's ect.
To be able to complete my auxiliary tasks and my main product I also needed use of a iMac computer, Video camera and camera. These are some of the technologies that I used to create my final pieces of work;
An internet programme that I have used to track my progress in my work and to present it, I have been using blogger. Creating posts, like a diary. This shows changes that I have made along the way and also my progression.
Also I created a Facebook page which allowed me to stay in contact with my actors that were in my film and also my audience. I used my film Logo as my picture on my Facebook page.
I have made some changes to my original film poster. Since when it came to filming the model that I had used in my images that I had originally took for my poster and magazine front cover was unable to be filmed I then had to use different models and actors in my main prorduct. So compared to my old film poster I have changed the colour on the writing of the tag line from red to white because I think that this colour stood out more against the back of the image. Also I had to change the actors names at the top of my film poster. Also I made the institituions at the bottom of my film poster smaller so that there wasn't as much writing on the bottom of my film poster and so that you can take more notice in the image instead.
Monday, 2 December 2013
My Film Poster - Auxiliary Task 2
Film Poster
I created my poster on photoshop. To start off I looked at different film posters and looked at different film institutions that are used on a film poster. These are the two different film posters that I looked at to help me with my film poster were 'fFOUR CHRISTMASES' and 'WEDDING CRASHERS'.
The institutions that I found when looking at different film posters were; the title of the film, the main characters that are in the film, when the film is being released in the cinema and the main image. I choose two magazines that the main colour scheme was red and black because these are the colours that I want to use on my film poster. I also choose these two film posters to look at because the genre of both of the films are romantic comedy.
I like the way that on the wedding crashes film poster that the actors are over the top of the main title and they are standing on the tag line. I like the way that it is different to other film posters and it doesn't give too much away in a poster. I think that the white background makes the image and the writing stand out compared to other magazines that have something happening in the background of the main image.
The first thing that I did when I started my film poster is added the text and the institutions that I named above. I looked at different fonts for my main title on I choose this font to do my main title in; I choose this font because it isn't too serious and I changed the colour of the font to red.
This is the text in bright red used for my main title on the top of my film poster. I also added the names of the people in my film trailer along the top of the screen, making the surname bigger than the forename. After I looked at the title and look at my inspirations for my film poster I thought that it might look better with a border round the title writing or if I added a shadow. After I did this it looked better on the page.
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Before adding shadow |
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After adding shadow |
Friday, 29 November 2013
Magazine front cover
Creating my magazine front cover
I am creating my magazine front cover in the programme Adobe Photoshop. The first thing that I thought about when creating my film magazine front cover was the font that I was going to use for the name of the magazine and the name of the magazine. I looked for different magazine fonts on I looked at different film magazines and looked at the size of fonts and fonts that were used on known film magazines.
The name that I have chosen for my magazine is North East film. I chose my font off and the name of the font is imagine font. I started creating my magazine front cover and putting the text onto it. I choose that I wanted the theme of colours to be red and black. This is the start of my magazine;
I choose the name North East because that is where my film is going to be and because i's filming around relatable places to the north east I thought that it was a good name to call my film magazine front cover. Also I think its original because there are not any film magazines that are targeted at a audience in the north east of England. I am going to look at other films that have been made in the north east to advertise on my the front cover of my magazine that I am making.
The next stage of adding to my magazine front cover was that I looked at different institutions that a magazine needs on the front of the cover. I looked at things like webpage address, the issue numbers of a magazine and the price. I then went on to add these three things to the front of my magazine front cover.
For all of my magazine front cover I used the same font to keep consistancy through out my work.I also tried to keep the colour scheme of my work the same to make my magazine relatable to the audience. I added information to my magazine front cover giving insite about what my film is going to be about and different stories after looking at other film magazines to try and make my magazine the same and look like a film magazine. I added other films and inside information on to my magazine front cover to fill up space that I hadn't used and looked quite blank.
This is my final magazine front cover
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Preperation for Magazine and Poster Photographs
To complete my auxiliary tasks I need to complete a magazine front cover and a film poster and to do this I need to take photographs to put on the front of both of the tasks. I have looked at different kinds of magazines for front covers and posters. I have decided that for my magazine front cover I want a close up shots in loads of different media to get a shot of all 6 main characters.
Monday, 11 November 2013
Facebook Page
As part of my research I created a facebook page which I made the name 'HRP productions' I made the page to get my friends invovled in whats happening with my film trailer and so that my friends that are invovled in my film trailer could keep up to date with what is happening and so they know what they need to do and times and dates. I put my logo as my main image on my page and got my friends invovled with my page straight away.
I had to start off by putting a description of what my company page was about; "This is a page for my Media studies A2 film trailer research. Its for people who are taking part in my film trailer to keep you upto date."
You can find my page on
I started off inviting friends who are taking part in my media studies film trailer and friends that are supportive over my media film trailer. All of the people that I have invited to my page are in my target audeince so they can have input into my film and help me with ideas.
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This is my facebook page that i have made for my audience and for people that are invovled in my media film trailer that I am making. |
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This is my friend sophie who is one of the main characters who is taking part in my film trailer. Planning on getting intouch about taking photos for my two auxiliary tasks. |
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