Monday, 2 December 2013

My Film Poster - Auxiliary Task 2

Film Poster

I created my poster on photoshop. To start off I looked at different film posters and looked at different film institutions that are used on a film poster. These are the two different film posters that I looked at to help me with my film poster were 'fFOUR CHRISTMASES' and 'WEDDING CRASHERS'.    

The institutions that I found when looking at different film posters were; the title of the film, the main characters that are in the film, when the film is being released in the cinema and the main image. I choose two magazines that the main colour scheme was red and black because these are the colours that I want to use on my film poster. I also choose these two film posters to look at because the genre of both of the films are romantic comedy.

I like the way that on the wedding crashes film poster that the actors are over the top of the main title and they are standing on the tag line. I  like the way that it is different to other film posters and it doesn't give too much away in a poster. I think that the white background makes the image and the writing stand out compared to other magazines that have something happening in the background of the main image.

The first thing that I did when I started my film poster is added the text and the institutions that I named above. I looked at different fonts for my main title on I choose this font to do my main title in; I choose this font because it isn't too serious and I changed the colour of the font to red.

This is the text in bright red used for my main title on the top of my film poster. I also added the names of the people in my film trailer along the top of the screen, making the surname bigger than the forename. After I looked at the title and look at my inspirations for my film poster I thought that it might look better with a border round the title writing or if I added a shadow. After I did this it looked better on the page. 

Before adding shadow
After adding shadow
I carried on by adding other institutions that I saw on other film posters and added things such as my poster and a tag line. I kept all of my colours to black and red. I also kept the title and the tag line in the same font to create links in the poster and so that everything wasn't different. I kept my colour scheme to black and red. I choose red because this colour represents love and passion.


Friday, 29 November 2013

Magazine front cover

Creating my magazine front cover

I am creating my magazine front cover in the programme Adobe Photoshop. The first thing that I thought about when creating my film magazine front cover was the font that I was going to use for the name of the magazine and the name of the magazine. I looked for different magazine fonts on I looked at different film magazines and looked at the size of fonts and fonts that were used on known film magazines.

The name that I have chosen for my magazine is North East film. I chose my font off and the name of the font is imagine font. I started creating my magazine front cover and putting the text onto it. I choose that I wanted the theme of colours to be red and black. This is the start of my magazine;

I choose the name North East because that is where my film is going to be and because i's filming around relatable places to the north east I thought that it was a good name to call my film magazine front cover. Also I think its original because there are not any film magazines that are targeted at a audience in the north east of England. I am going to look at other films that have been made in the north east to advertise on my the front cover of my magazine that I am making.

The next stage of adding to my magazine front cover was that I looked at different institutions that a magazine needs on the front of the cover. I looked at things like webpage address, the issue numbers of a magazine and the price. I then went on to add these three things to the front of my magazine front cover.

For all of my magazine front cover I used the same font to keep consistancy through out my work.I also tried to keep the colour scheme of my work the same to make my magazine relatable to the audience. I added information to my magazine front cover giving insite about what my film is going to be about and different stories after looking at other film magazines to try and make my magazine the same and look like a film magazine. I added other films and inside information on to my magazine front cover to fill up space that I hadn't used and looked quite blank.

This is my final magazine front cover

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Preperation for Magazine and Poster Photographs

To complete my auxiliary tasks I need to complete a magazine front cover and a film poster and to do this I need to take photographs to put on the front of both of the tasks. I have looked at different kinds of magazines for front covers and posters. I have decided that for my magazine front cover I want a close up shots in loads of different media to get a shot of all 6 main characters. 

I had to e-mail Colin to try and book time in the studio so that I can take my photos. These are the e-mails that we sent to book a time that I can take photography.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Facebook Page

As part of my research I created a facebook page which I made the name 'HRP productions' I made the page to get my friends invovled in whats happening with my film trailer and so that my friends that are invovled in my film trailer could keep up to date with what is happening and so they know what they need to do and times and dates. I put my logo as my main image on my page and got my friends invovled with my page straight away.

I had to start off by putting a description of what my company page was about; "This is a page for my Media studies A2 film trailer research. Its for people who are taking part in my film trailer to keep you upto date."

You can find my page on

I started off inviting friends who are taking part in my media studies film trailer and friends that are supportive over my media film trailer. All of the people that I have invited to my page are in my target audeince so they can have input into my film and help me with ideas.

This is my facebook page that i have made for my audience and for people that are invovled in my media film trailer that I am making.
This is my friend sophie who is one of the main characters who is taking part in my film trailer. Planning on getting intouch about taking photos for my two auxiliary tasks. 

Contacting Actors

To invlove my friends in my film trailer I text my friends the people who I wanted to be in my film. I text them asking if I they would take part in my film trailer and if its ok if I take photographs of them for my two auxiliary tasks that go along side my film trailer. The magazine cover and poster for these I am booking a studio at Sunderland University to take my images in a studio, I am going to take the people that are in my film trailer and see when everyone can make it and when it is possible for me to book a time to go into the unversity and book out a studio. These are the actors that are taking part in my film;

David Smallman

Jayne Dowell 

Texts and Confirmations

The reason that I chose these two actors to be in my film is because I want my film to revolve around a love story between a male and a female. Following the main characteristics from what we think of a romance film. Following heartbreak, fights and relationships. Between these two actors in my trailer it portrays the romance genre in my work.

Thursday, 7 November 2013


I looked at different posters and magazine covers to look at how the pictures that create a link between the two different media platforms. The reason that I looked at these two areas is because these are the two auxiliary tasks that I am doing to go along side my film trailer to advertise my film. The two different media platforms are magazine and a film poster. I looked at a magazine and poster from the film Willy Wonka, the magazine was from the magazine company 'total film' and i got the poster from the internet. 

Willy Wonka Magazine Cover

Willy Wonka Poster

The poster image focus' on the main character 'Willy Wonka' a relatable character for most people also because the film had been out before people will be able to make connections with the different characters and the main character and know a bit about the storyline is about. Also the main character 'Johnny Deep' so this makes people want to go and see the film. The difference with the magazine compared to the poster is that the magazine front page is trying to get a audience to read further to find out about something where as a poster is trying to give us a insight into the film and showing us the characters that are involved.  
I like the way that on the poster its shows both of the main characters 'Willy Wonka' and 'Charlie' it also shows the other kids that are involved in the film also shows the different natures of the children on the film poster. The poster tells a story to the audience what the film is about I also like that along with the main image creating the picture, the title of the film stands out to the audience 'Charlie and the chocolate factory' also the name of the film gives away a bit about what happens in the film. 

By looking at different posters and magazines it helped me with planning the way that I wanted to make my my magazine and my poster images different to each other. It made me think about ideas for my own magazine and what kind of images that I want to take to put onto my front cover. 

Other media platforms
I looked at magazines from other media platforms to see what kind of images they use on the front of their magazines. I collected a magazine from blockbuster and it is a game magazine. I choose to look at this magazine for other media platforms because I found that film magazines and the gaming magazine use the same type of institutions. I looked at the magazine front cover and the poster that was also shown on the back of the gaming magazine, this helped me when thinking about taking images for my film magazine. I think it has helped me looking at different media platforms. 
Magazine front cover

Wednesday, 6 November 2013


Before I created my own logo I looked at different film logo's and film institution to get ideas for what I can do for my own film logo. I saw that out of all the logos that they all have a background and use right colours to stand out to the audience.

When creating my logo my the first thing that I had to think about was the name that I wanted to call it then look on the internet to see if anyone else had, had that name for a proper production. The name that I chose was HRP productions. After I chose the name I then opened a photoshop document to create the logo in.  I had to change the preset to 'film and video' and change the size to 'HDTV 1080p'.

After I had done this I then had to chose a font that I wanted to use for my writing on my logo to make it look more unique. To do this I went on to the programme and looked at different fonts. This is the font that I choose to use; 

I choose to use this because it looks interesting compared to normal fonts and when I did my questionnaire most people said that the institution that they liked the best was Disney so I looked at the disney logo and looked at the kind of font that was used on the disney logo and it was different to most fonts and stood out so I decided that I wanted to use a font that stands out and is different to most fonts that you see. I also choose to use this font because my genre of my film is romantic comedy and because of the hearts in the writing I thought that it would fit. After I chose what font that I wanted to use I had to download the font. I wanted my logo to be in a circle keeping it all inside so the first thing I did was choose a shape and then wrote the name of my productions inside of the circle shape. 

This is the start of my logo. 

I choose an image off the internet that I wanted to use on my logo, to use it I made some changes to the image so that I could use it on my logo. To make the changes I made them on powerpoint, first of all I changed the picture so that it was facing the right instead of the left. I then cropped some of the background out and recoloured my picture to make it brighter. 

The starting Image that I got off the Internet

My final picture that I want to use for my logo

With my final logo picture and the writing that I choose I then put my logo together and created my final logo that I wanted to use on my trailer. I created my logo in photoshop by using different layers. 
This is my final logo. 

Tuesday, 5 November 2013


For my time management I have made sure that I have been doing work at home as well as work in my college hours to try and complete my different films and my storyboards for my own film. Also I have thought about my different voice overs that I would like to use in my film trailer and when I want them to be to spread them out among the film trailer.

Monday, 4 November 2013


These are the storyboards that I have made up and what I want my story to look like when I start to create my film trailer.

Video Editing Practice 3 - MOBILE PHONE SHORT FILM

A and B are waiting around for something to happen
A keeps checking their phone 
Eventually a text message comes through 
A reads the text and looks shocked and walked away 
B left looking confused 

To create my own film. I worked with 5 friends to create the film. Three of us had to take part in being filmed and acting out the script shown above, there were only meant to be two actors but our group was bigger. In our filmed we tried to use as many shots as we could e.g close-ups, wide shots and zoom in shot. The other two of us one had to film ad the other one had to be the director. 
Even though we all worked together to film the the different clips that we did to make our film, when we put all of the clips together that we took I had to edit it on Adobe premiere pro and when we put the clips in the programme we were editing it on we all made the film a different way using different music that we thought was effective and the shots that we choose to use and adding different effects to our short film. 

After I finished my editing on my short film I then had to make my short film into a file so that I could update it and put it up on  

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Video Editing Practice 2 - THE SIMPSON TRAILER

To create my own Simpsons trailer I got given 10 clips that I had to choose certain pieces of the clips to the try and re-create a Simpsons trailer trying to make it into the genre of romantic comedy. I put the trailer together using Adobe Premiere Pro this then will help me when going to edit my own film trailer on Adobe Premiere Pro. To put my simpsons trailer together I used alot of fades into eachother and added other music over the top of what was happening in the original clips to make the trailer flow more together. Also when creating my film trailer I added different text clips into the trailer so that it would split it up more and so that it had the institutions of being a film trailer. This is my simpsons trailer;

Thursday, 10 October 2013


  • Filming crew - To film my film trailer I am going to film most of my film and direct it, but if I want to be involved in the film I am going to ask one of my friends to come along when I am filming my film incase I need to change things and I need them to film. 

  • Actors - I am using two main actors in my film that are going to start dating then be in a relationship I am using two of my friends; Jayne Dowell and David smallman. I am going to portray a hetrosexual relationship which you normally see in a known romanace film so that my audience can relate with my actors in my film, and they will want to watch my film.

  • Location - I am going to use the location of Sunderland, mainly around Seaburn and Whitburn Area. Going to places like Martino's and along the seafront and going to try and film in different areas. The main area for my location for my film trailer is going to be at seaburn beach. To use all of the areas and places that I want to use I will not need consent for my film to take place.

  • Props - In my video I am going to use a car because one of the main characters is going to be able to drive and when the couple have an argument one of the main actors is going to drive away from the other. Other propps that I am going to need are

For my poster;
For my poster I am going to use a main picture in the middle of the page, I am going to take my picture against a white background and have all of my characters in with my two main characters in the middle of all the actors. I am going to try and use loads of props like big glasses and wigs to bring in the comedy element to my poster to try and get a audience to want to watch my film trailer. I want to males to be wearing a shirt and trousers and the girls to be dressed up. I will also bring that scene into my film trailer. 

Wednesday, 9 October 2013


I plan to make three different questionnaires on Microsoft Word, one for my poster and magazine that I am creating along side my film trailer and making a questionnaire for my film trailer. The reason that I am making three different questionnaires is because the people that are filling in my questionnaires are the target audience that accompanies my film trailer.

The reason for doing questionnaires is so that I can get an idea of what people like to see on magazine front covers, film posters and in a film trailer. This helps me when I go on to make my own products. 
After I have the answers I am then going to put my results into excel to create graphs to go alongside what I have found out from my results from my three questionnaires that I have created.

Film poster questionnaire;
To create my questionnaire I thought about questions to think to ask people in my class which are in the age gap of 17-19 years old. I linked the questions with knowledge that I know about film posters that I have previously seen around. The reason that I gave my questionnaires out to the age range 17-19 and aiming it towards males and females is because this is the audience that I have chosen to aim my film trailer for by asking these people I can link in stuff that I know people like. This is my first questionnaire that I created. I thought of 8 different questions that I thought covered all areas of film posters. 

This is the questionnaire that I made for my peer to fill in I printed out 20 questionnaires and got people in my media class to fill them in. 

Results from my film poster questionnaire

From my results I have found out that a bigger percent of the people that filled in my questionnaire were females. This is good because most of the people that would want to see my film would be female. I also found out that when people look at a poster the thing that stands out to people is the main image this helped me with my design for my image that I am going to have on the front of my poster going underneath all of the writing and going to use bright colours as I also found out that this is what people like to see from film posters. The genre of my film is going to be romantic comedy and from my questionnaires I found out that most people like to watch comedies but second was people like watching romance. This is good because putting the two genres together could get in a big audience to want to watch my film. 

I found out that when I did tick questions most people found the same things interesting but when I left it for the people to fill in the space of the questionnaire and it was more spontaneous to the audience that filled in my questionnaire that there were loads of different answers that people came up with. This showed more of a variety also this helped me a lot as they give me loads of different ideas and it was easier to go with the majority vote. The next time that I do a questionnaire I am going to leave it to more spontaneous questions for people to give answers by themselves instead of giving them ticky boxes as it gets the audiences voice across more to me and helps me create things to go with my film trailer. 

Film magazine questionnaire; 
To create my film magazine questionnaire I thought about asking different age ranges to fill in my questionnaiers because magazines are normally aimed for all ages. I thought about questions that I think about when I look at a magazine front cover. I also looked at different Magazine covers off the internet.

These are from two of the magazines that I looked at; Empire magazine and Total Film. I based my questions around what I saw on the front covers of the magazines that I looked at and things that stood out to me.

I thought of 8 different questions both tick boxes and written answers to my questionnaire so I could get some ideas for my own magazine front cover when I made it. I handed my questionnaire out to loads of different people and took them home and handed them out to family memebers to ask for their oppinion on what they like about music magazines; These are the questions that I asked on my questionnaire;

Tuesday, 8 October 2013


In my film I don't want any of my actors to speak I just want to have voice overs, over the top of my film and what is happening in it. These are the voice overs that I am going to use in my film trailer;

I want the video and the music to mainly tell the story instead of having loads of speech in my film trailer.

Video Editing Practice 1 - SHOT TYPES FILM

To make my shot types film I worked in a team of 4 and we took turns in filming eachother doing different shots, we all took turns in being the director and being the person being filmed. I went outside and we used a hand held camera to film the different kind of shots. After we had filmed all of our clips of us doing different shots we then had to upload the footage on to the computer and then I edited my clips on the computer before then making it into a Youtube video and uploading it on my blog.

Monday, 7 October 2013


When I was looking at different types of font types I look at clips and trailers from the film of Step brothers and from love actually. I choose these two different films to look at trailers and clips from, because love actually was the film that i choose to do as my inspiration for my main film and the reason that i choose to do step brothers because I needed to look at how comedy genre films incorporated shots to make the films look funny, by looking at these shots in step brothers it helped me when I was thinking about putting comedy into my work.
 I focused on ten different shot types, that when I was watching the clips and the trailers I looked for the certain shots and then screenshot them. Underneath the images that I print screened I have put images that I drew of the screen shots. I used youtube to find all of the videos that I got my shots from;

Step Brother Trailer:
And some of the images I took myself for the shots that I could not find in the trailer.

Extreme Wide Shot 
This is a extreme wide shot, which can also be called a establisihing shot, in this shot it shows a wide shot of an area. Normally goes over a city, like New York.

Wide Shot/ Long Shot

The point of the long shot is to show the audience what is around them and show a long shot to make them get the full feel of what is in the room and the propp's that are being used.

Medium Shot

This shot focus' mainly on the actors facial features so that the audience can engage with the actors and build a bond with them.

Medium close up 
Medium close up shots are normally used to show the actors expression, the shot is known to only focus on the actors head and shoulders. This type of shot is normally used in all type of film genres.

Close Up

Close up shot shows the characters and actors emotions. 

Low Angle shot 

The low angle is taking looking up at the character, sometimes from someone else's perspective. 

High Angle Shot 

This is a high angle shot looking down on the characters/actors from above them. 

Over the shoulder shot 
Over the shoulder shot makes it look like the people are having conversations mostly used for turn taking conversations. The genres that this shot is normally used in is comedy or romantic films.  

Two Shot 

Two shot focuses on both characters or two characters which is normally used when two characters are having a conversation. Two shot gets both of the characters in the shot and focus' mainly on both of the characters profiles. This shot is used alot in comedy because comedies normally have more than one main character.