Filming crew - To film my film trailer I am going to film most of my film and direct it, but if I want to be involved in the film I am going to ask one of my friends to come along when I am filming my film incase I need to change things and I need them to film.
Actors - I am using two main actors in my film that are going to start dating then be in a relationship I am using two of my friends; Jayne Dowell and David smallman. I am going to portray a hetrosexual relationship which you normally see in a known romanace film so that my audience can relate with my actors in my film, and they will want to watch my film.
Location - I am going to use the location of Sunderland, mainly around Seaburn and Whitburn Area. Going to places like Martino's and along the seafront and going to try and film in different areas. The main area for my location for my film trailer is going to be at seaburn beach. To use all of the areas and places that I want to use I will not need consent for my film to take place.
Props - In my video I am going to use a car because one of the main characters is going to be able to drive and when the couple have an argument one of the main actors is going to drive away from the other. Other propps that I am going to need are
For my poster;
For my poster I am going to use a main picture in the middle of the page, I am going to take my picture against a white background and have all of my characters in with my two main characters in the middle of all the actors. I am going to try and use loads of props like big glasses and wigs to bring in the comedy element to my poster to try and get a audience to want to watch my film trailer. I want to males to be wearing a shirt and trousers and the girls to be dressed up. I will also bring that scene into my film trailer.
I plan to make three different questionnaires on Microsoft Word, one for my poster and magazine that I am creating along side my film trailer and making a questionnaire for my film trailer. The reason that I am making three different questionnaires is because the people that are filling in my questionnaires are the target audience that accompanies my film trailer.
The reason for doing questionnaires is so that I can get an idea of what people like to see on magazine front covers, film posters and in a film trailer. This helps me when I go on to make my own products.
After I have the answers I am then going to put my results into excel to create graphs to go alongside what I have found out from my results from my three questionnaires that I have created.
Film poster questionnaire;
To create my questionnaire I thought about questions to think to ask people in my class which are in the age gap of 17-19 years old. I linked the questions with knowledge that I know about film posters that I have previously seen around. The reason that I gave my questionnaires out to the age range 17-19 and aiming it towards males and females is because this is the audience that I have chosen to aim my film trailer for by asking these people I can link in stuff that I know people like. This is my first questionnaire that I created. I thought of 8 different questions that I thought covered all areas of film posters.
This is the questionnaire that I made for my peer to fill in I printed out 20 questionnaires and got people in my media class to fill them in.
Results from my film poster questionnaire
From my results I have found out that a bigger percent of the people that filled in my questionnaire were females. This is good because most of the people that would want to see my film would be female. I also found out that when people look at a poster the thing that stands out to people is the main image this helped me with my design for my image that I am going to have on the front of my poster going underneath all of the writing and going to use bright colours as I also found out that this is what people like to see from film posters. The genre of my film is going to be romantic comedy and from my questionnaires I found out that most people like to watch comedies but second was people like watching romance. This is good because putting the two genres together could get in a big audience to want to watch my film.
I found out that when I did tick questions most people found the same things interesting but when I left it for the people to fill in the space of the questionnaire and it was more spontaneous to the audience that filled in my questionnaire that there were loads of different answers that people came up with. This showed more of a variety also this helped me a lot as they give me loads of different ideas and it was easier to go with the majority vote. The next time that I do a questionnaire I am going to leave it to more spontaneous questions for people to give answers by themselves instead of giving them ticky boxes as it gets the audiences voice across more to me and helps me create things to go with my film trailer.
Film magazine questionnaire;
To create my film magazine questionnaire I thought about asking different age ranges to fill in my questionnaiers because magazines are normally aimed for all ages. I thought about questions that I think about when I look at a magazine front cover. I also looked at different Magazine covers off the internet.
These are from two of the magazines that I looked at; Empire magazine and Total Film. I based my questions around what I saw on the front covers of the magazines that I looked at and things that stood out to me.
I thought of 8 different questions both tick boxes and written answers to my questionnaire so I could get some ideas for my own magazine front cover when I made it. I handed my questionnaire out to loads of different people and took them home and handed them out to family memebers to ask for their oppinion on what they like about music magazines; These are the questions that I asked on my questionnaire;
In my film I don't want any of my actors to speak I just want to have voice overs, over the top of my film and what is happening in it. These are the voice overs that I am going to use in my film trailer;
I want the video and the music to mainly tell the story instead of having loads of speech in my film trailer.
To make my shot types film I worked in a team of 4 and we took turns in filming eachother doing different shots, we all took turns in being the director and being the person being filmed. I went outside and we used a hand held camera to film the different kind of shots. After we had filmed all of our clips of us doing different shots we then had to upload the footage on to the computer and then I edited my clips on the computer before then making it into a Youtube video and uploading it on my blog.
When I was looking at different types of font types I look at clips and trailers from the film of Step brothers and from love actually. I choose these two different films to look at trailers and clips from, because love actually was the film that i choose to do as my inspiration for my main film and the reason that i choose to do step brothers because I needed to look at how comedy genre films incorporated shots to make the films look funny, by looking at these shots in step brothers it helped me when I was thinking about putting comedy into my work.
I focused on ten different shot types, that when I was watching the clips and the trailers I looked for the certain shots and then screenshot them. Underneath the images that I print screened I have put images that I drew of the screen shots. I used youtube to find all of the videos that I got my shots from; Step Brother Trailer: And some of the images I took myself for the shots that I could not find in the trailer.
Extreme Wide Shot
This is a extreme wide shot, which can also be called a establisihing shot, in this shot it shows a wide shot of an area. Normally goes over a city, like New York.
Wide Shot/ Long Shot
The point of the long shot is to show the audience what is around them and show a long shot to make them get the full feel of what is in the room and the propp's that are being used.
Medium Shot
This shot focus' mainly on the actors facial features so that the audience can engage with the actors and build a bond with them.
Medium close up
Medium close up shots are normally used to show the actors expression, the shot is known to only focus on the actors head and shoulders. This type of shot is normally used in all type of film genres.
Close Up
Close up shot shows the characters and actors emotions. Low Angle shot
The low angle is taking looking up at the character, sometimes from someone else's perspective. High Angle Shot
This is a high angle shot looking down on the characters/actors from above them. Over the shoulder shot
Over the shoulder shot makes it look like the people are having conversations mostly used for turn taking conversations. The genres that this shot is normally used in is comedy or romantic films.
Two Shot
Two shot focuses on both characters or two characters which is normally used when two characters are having a conversation. Two shot gets both of the characters in the shot and focus' mainly on both of the characters profiles. This shot is used alot in comedy because comedies normally have more than one main character.
After finishing my deconstructions I could now pick out on different magazines and posters the institutions that I need to add to my own work when planning on what I want to do for my own Magazine front cover and my final poster auxiliary task. Also after looking at different film trailers I realised the different elements that they have in them and what i needed to add to a film trailer to make my audience want to watch the film trailer. Also realised that you have to drag the audiences attention in by the film trailer.
Time management for completing my Deconstructions
To complete all 9 of my deconstructions for my posters, film trailer and magazine front cover I had to put each of my deconstructions into a certain time frame so that I could finish them in the 6 hours that I got given. To start off with I looked at the genre that I am doing for my final film trailer (Romantic Comedy) and then I chose films around this genre to try and deconstruct. After I had chose all the posters, film trailer and magazine front covers that I wanted to deconstruct for my work. Then I started by deconstruction Posters as I had previously deconstructed posters last year, I did this through one of my 2 hour college lessons. After I had finished deconstructing my Poster's I then started to deconstruct my Film trailers that I had chosen to look at. I started in another one of my two hours lesson, In this time I got nearly 2 deconstructions done and then I did my 3rd deconstruction at home. Then in my 1.45 lesson I got through the rest of my Film magazine deconstructions. Leaving my with all my deconstructions done in less than 6 hours.
I looked at this trailer of 'The Intouchables' to see how comedy and romance can come across in different ways in to the stereotypical rom-com. How different this story is portrayed compared to different film trailers that I have seen. This is one of the most inspirational trailer that I have watched over the last couple of years.
I like the way that the trailer starts letting you guess how the film starts you off questioning what is happening.
I like the differences between the characters that are used that you can spot straight away.
I like the way that there is always bright lighting most of the way through the trailer showing the personalities of the characters.
Driss - One of the main characters. He has no desire to get hired by Philippe to assist him for the rest of his life and to be by his side when he went in for the interview. He had before hand had a criminal record and had been in jail for six months before hand for robbery.
Philippe - The other main character who is in a wheelchair and servilely disabled. He is a rich man that owns a luxurious mansion he hires Driss to be his helper because he doesn't want any pity from anyone.
The two main characters Driss and Philippe are from totally different backgrounds and have totally different personalities when we first see the trailer when he storms in and bangs his note down on the table, we then find out that Driss is a very helpful and happy man and then him and Philippe become really good friends where Driss says 'This isn't like a job anymore' it shows through the trailer how much someone can change depending on who they are around and the role in life that they have. When you see Driss at the start of the trailer to don't expect that he will ever be employed by Philippe to look after him. When Driss starts going to the house they make him look really small in the house this could be because it shows how he grows through the trailer and how he starts to fit in with the people around him. At the very start of the trailer it shows that when all of the other people that are getting interviewed are being asked questions Philippe isn't interested but as soon as Driss comes in you can see straight away that he is interested and actually likes him leaving the audience to wonder whats going to happen.
Shot types
There are a few main shot types that are used through out the trailer, they mainly use the medium shot which shows half of the body of the characters this could be because Philippe is in a wheelchair. The other main shot that is used through out the trailer is a wide shot this could be because they are doing a lot of different activities with each other where they are far away so they try and get a lot of 2 shots which are wide shots with the characters.
Music and Colours.
The music is a non-diagetic sound. I think that the music plays a big role in the trailer it could show the relationship building up between the two characters and drags the audience into see the film. I think that the colours play a big part in the trailer also, when Philippe is well the lighting is all natural and really light and they are always laughing and when there is something wrong or when Philippe is ill the colours come across all dark and makes the atmosphere unhappy and the audience can tell that there is something wrong with the character because of the colours and the music.
For my seond film trailer deconstruction I decided to use the trailer from the film the back up plan, I used this film because it is a romantic comedy which invovles alot of romance and comedy combined. I think it was a good one to use because its different to other films and the trailer for it doesn't give the story line away too much.
Overview of the trailer
When the trailer starts it goes straight into a close up of the main characters face who is starting to tell her own story.
It goes straight into humour of "We don't need to have sex, but will you just be my baby daddy" making the audience want to watch on to see what is going to happen.
After the bit of humour and a short part of the main characters story it then breaks out into a really upbeat song, maybe showing the emotion of the charater or the fact that it is a romantic comedy genre.
There is a voice over from the main character telling her own story and telling her thoughts and feelings to the audience so that they can bound with her and get to know her a bit better so that they can start to relate and make a realationship with the charater.
There are also text shots which keep on telling the story or story changes when something else is going to happen in the trailer which isn't following on to what has just been happening in the trailer.
The main character says "this is time for my back up plan" bringing in the title of the film means that the title does mean something in the film and does actually tell a story.
After the trailer has been on for 0.45 seconds it then starts bringing the romantic element of the film in after it all being mainly comedy.
After the 0.45 second mark of the film I noticed that there are a lot of close ups, over the shoulder shots and two-shots, this is done for the romantic side of the film showing that the story is about two people who are together.
After it looking like there is only one main character for the half of the trailer it turns out that there is two main characters.
At the end of the trailer there are close ups of the characters with there names next to them in text.
The colours that are used in the trailer are consistant through the whole trailer.
For my first trailer deconstruction i choose to do the trailer that goes with the first poster deconstruction. I chose to do this because for my task I need my poster to go with my film trailer so if I look at other film trailers and other posters then I will get ideas how to create a poster around my trailer.
Overview of the trailer
I like it how when the trailer starts it comes straight in with a upbeat song, this could reflect on the genre of the film or the personailties of the people that they were showing on the trailer.
In the first 10 seconds they have managed to get in three main shots; long shot, establishing shot and a two shot.
I like how they have kept the colour scheme the same as the poster as when writing comes on the screen they use the same colours of; yellow, light blue and dark blue. This creates links for the audience and people that have seen the poster before.
After you see the first three shots of the characters you see a text shot which says "Two Kids" followed by a cip of two children which tell you more about the story. But before they show this they show two adults messing on and acting like children so it makes the audience want to watch on because its a bit of play on words.
After you see a clip of the two children there is another text shot which then says "Two Mom's" this is then totally different to what you see when you first see the clip. This then tells you the two woman that you saw at the start of the clip are in a gay partnership. This could attract a big target audience, mainly woman because of the storyline also.
You see in the first 30-49 seconds, the five main characters who are in the film.
The film is a romantic comedy, which you can tell by the trailer, this is good and could focus on a target audience who like these kinds of films. When the male answers the phone and the children are talking to him, he produces humour into the trailer. You see this through camera shots because when he says "I love lesbians" he then pulls a face, which is a close up to show the facial expression to the rest of the audience. Also while doing this it keeps humour between the one actor and the audience making the actor and his peers bond.
The kids are like adults and the adults are like kids.
Change of music in the middle of the trailer making the trailer a music orinitated trailer because music can help the viewer know whats going to happen next and know that it is a happy film, four different songs play through the trailer all showing different moods through out the trailer.
There are alot of two-shots on the two woman, this could be because all of the film is mainly about them, or focusing on that they are the couple in the film.
Makes you want to see the film because it leaves you on a total cliff hanger.
Alot of different things happen in the trailer.
One of the songs in the trailer is called "Our House" when all five characters are in the house which makes the audience want to see the film to see what happens.
Target Audience
I think that this film could have a big target audience as I think that it could bring people from all different ages because of the different ages of the characters that are in the film. I also think because its a romantic comedy, but more comedy it will make more people go and see it because its more unique than other films that are out under that genre. I think that it could bring a gay, lesbian audience because of the gay relationship in the film.
All the way through the trailer there is use of bright colours and natural lighting this reflects on the genre of the trailer and the nature of the trailer because all of the characters are generally happy through the trailer.
There are five main characters in the trailer; 3 females and 2 males.
There are 2 'mom's' who are in a relationship - this brings the element of romance into the film
The first mom (Annette Bening) is more of a sterotypical mother figure and is more mature. Also more protective over her wife and children.
The second mom (Julianne Moore) brings humour into the film, acts like one of the kids, doesn't care alot about things or what people think of her. She is louder than must of the characters apart from the male donner.
One daugher who acts more like a mother figure, very quite and knows what she is doing. Doesn't really get involved with stuff
One Son who seems to be really shy and only really talks to family, until the male comes along, this might show that he doesn't like being the only male in the house and thinks that he has a lot of responsabltily being the only male figure that lives in the house at the start. He is a bit of a father figure and seems to be very close with his sisteer.
The male donner who brings alot of humour to the film, becomes a big father figure to the kids you can see this from the film that he grows to them and becomes really close with the family.
For my second deconstruction I chose another poster from the empire film magazine and the film poster that i chose to do was from the film One day. I did this because the genre of the film is mainly romance. The reason that I looked at a poster that mainly focus' on romance when I am doing romantic comedy is because I wanted to see how I could put elements of romance into my poster rather than making my film poster look like its all comedy. I liked looking at this poster because I want to use a main image on my poster and also because the title is big and is the second thing that you look at when you look at the poster after the main image which is in the middle of the poster. I also liked looking at this poster because the main image wasn't taking up the whole back of the image and had alot of white on the poster aswell.
For my first deconstruction I choose to look at film magazine and look for romantic comedy film posters, I got my first one out of the empire magazine.The film poster that I looked at was 'THE KIDS ARE ALL RIGHT'. By looking at this poster it helped me with designing my own poster that I am doing to accompy my film trailer. I like this poster because of the use of bright colours and becasue there is alot of infomation on the poster but doesnt have enough for you to know whats going to happen in the film so it leaves you on a cliff hanger and makes you want to go and see the film at the cinema.
This is my second magazine deconstruction which I have choose to do on 'EMPIRE' film magazine. I choose this magazine because I am trying to choose different magazines to deconstruct so that I can see how different producers target different areas.
This is my first magazine deconstruction. I am deconstructing different magazine front covers because for one of my auxiliary task's I have been asked to create a magazine front cover involving images of people that are involved in my film trailer that I am going to create.
The first magazine that I have deconstructed is one of the well known film magazine's called 'TOTAL FILM' I picked out some of the main characteristics that I think should be on a film magazine front cover;